
If you are doing a microclimates study, then you will probably be measuring parameters such as:

Measurement Equipment Units Chart and Graphs
Temperature Thermometer oC n/a
Wind Speed Anenometer m/sec or km/hr n/a
Wind Direction Compass N, S, E, W. n/a
Relative Humidity Whirling Hygrometer %RH %RH Table for Aspirated Psychrometer Readings
Light Intensity Light Meter Lux


Weather forecast for your day of data collection!

1. BBC - Weather

2. Times - Weather


Rainfall Make your own rain gauge out of a 1 litre plastic bottle!




Pressure (Barometer)

Wind Speed



Alba Windwatch - The windwatch will measure all of these parameters - but not Relative Humidity.

see Windwatch for units


All of the equipment may be borrowed from the Earth Studies Department - ask your teacher

You are likely to be measuring the microclimate in a woodland, grassland or urbanised area. It could be you are comparing the microclimate in one area - say a woodland on a sunny day with a cloudy day. Alternatively, you may be comparing the microclimate of a woodland with an urbanised area such as Solihull's CBD. Either way you should have identified approximately 15 sampling points in each location where you can collected the relevant data.

Make sure you understand the Geographical Theory behind your investigation - read the text book written by D.C. Money. There is also some good information in Waugh.

The basic theories are:

1. As temperatures increase, relative humidity values should decrease - correlate these resutls!

2. Conversely, if temperatures fall, then relative humidity values will increase - correlate these results!

3. Wind speed should be lower in a woodland than a grassland.

4. If looking at an urban environment think if the Venturi Effect might be operating (see D.C. Money).